Since the publication of the APPG report in 2017 a number of initiatives have developed in order to further arts and health opportunities in England. In 2019 the NHS published its 10 year plan. Central to the plan is the commitment to reducing health inequalities through a personalised care approach and supporting the growth of social prescribing. This is in response to the recognition that ‘community assets and social action are part of the solution to preventing ill health’ (Health as a Social Movement, 2018. RSA) and that less than 10% of what affects our health and well-being comes from access to healthcare.
Social Prescribing addresses people’s health needs in a more holistic way, connecting patients with a range of non-clinical services through a Link Worker or Social Prescriber. For more information about Social Prescribing, click here. For free resources on singing and Social Prescribing, click here.
In response to the growing evidence-base and the APPG 2017 report, the National Centre for Creative Health was set up with the remit to advance good practice and research, inform policy and promote collaboration, helping foster the conditions for creative health to be integral to health and social care and wider systems.
The young people that are attending music sessions at the moment, I know are benefiting massively from it.
Lizzy Watkiss, Occupational Therapist