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Help us create a healthier world through song


The mental health of young people in the UK is of real and growing concern.

The statistics are alarming, with an estimated three students in every classroom of 30 having a diagnosable mental health disorder. Conversely, the average waiting time for an appointment with Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services is 42 weeks until the start of treatment. The more time that these young people go without help, the greater their problems can become. Mental ill health has long-term consequences on a young person's life chances and for this reason, it's critical to focus on prevention. 
The benefits of singing on health and wellbeing are wide-ranging – from biological, to physiological, to social and behavioural. We believe strongly that the arts, and singing specifically, can provide unique solutions to help address this crisis. We're currently working with a range of partners to develop opportunities for young people to improve their mental health and wellbeing through singing and we believe that every child should have that chance.
Some of our programmes are funded by public money and grants from trusts and foundations, but we need your help to continue our vital work. Please donate what you can today.

We believe strongly that the arts, and singing specifically, can provide unique solutions to help address the mental health crisis.

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If you sign up with any of the partners below and select Sing Up Foundation as your chosen charity, we'll receive a donation each time you shop online for everything — from your weekly shop to your annual holiday — no cost to you. 

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